Thursday, April 17, 2014

Chapter 16 Anne continues to play her part and all but forgets her old life. She works on manipulating the king and winning over Wolsey. Master Heneage brings Anne gifts from the king and dine with her and the cardinal. Anne brings up the topic of Sir Cheney and Sir Russell to Heneage. Heneage gives her a promise to review the case with great consideration.
Chapter 17 A week later Wolsey supported the petition for Mistress Anne's ward ship. Later that morning George tells Anne that Henry has requested a picnic today. After getting ready she meet the king ; he was of course eloquently dressed with a cap that had HA on it. On the way they pass the Ankerwycke Yew which was a tree that was said to be 2000 years old.  After eating and being merry one of Henry's men Will Somers did a performance for everyone. Anne Nan and Mary dance with each other for the king. Anne kicks off her shoes and people gasp at her behavior. When the danced ended Anne was a little worried if she had crossed a line but Henry thought she could do no wrong.
Chapter 18 Anne is beyond pissed. King Henry had chosen Katherine to accompany him to the jousting event. She went into a rage and made Henry cry. Nan came to calm Anne down but found the book Tyndale's "The Obedience of a Christian Man". Anne encourages Nan to read it and gives it her knowing that Wolsey's men would later find it and steal it. 

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Chapter thirteen beings with Elizabeth preparing for Christmas. Anne tells her mother that she is ridiculous for preparing so much considering they would not have visitors. Yet on Christmas Margaret Wyatt showed up. Anne and Margaret talk for hours about life in general. Anne senses that Margret would be one of those friends that would be there till the end. During the talk Margret asked about the rumors in court. Anne tells her Henry intentions to make her his wife and his annulment from Katherine. Margret tells Anne to be careful of Katherine because of her connections and attitude. Anne invites Margret back to court to be part of her own house hold. Anne and Elizabeth spent the 12th night of Christmas at Allington castle. When arriving home there was two messenger from the king waiting with a letter. Once again his letter confesses his undying love.
chapter fourteen winter is still kicking it the snow has still not melted but Anne finds time to ride her new horse. one day when coming back she had visitors from the king. The two men waiting were Drs. Stephen Gardiner and Edward Foxe. they bought the new straight from Henry that they were on their way to go speak to the pope about the annulment. Anne directly asked them if they thought they would be successful but even though their political standing they did not think so. After the talk Anne asked if they would like to stay for dinner. Later that night before dinner Anne got caught up in her own world and started reading the New Testament that her mother had given her. Dr.Foxe walked in and she tired to hide the book but he confessed that had the same beliefs as her and supported her. He had also been given a book from her father to give her and it was "The Obedience of a Christian Man"
Chapter fifteen Anne and her mother make their way back to court. Of course Henry gives Anne a warm welcoming back. Henry treated Anne to her own lodging. As she was about to get ready Anne and Mary had walked into her room. She finally got her own household. Mary tells Anne that Joan has become pregnant again and at home being tended to. Later that evening the ladies made there way to the feast. After the feast Anne asked her father who certain man was. His name was Thomas Cheney. Thomas Cheney was trying to get wardship of Anne Broughton. Anne B's father was getting one of Wosleys men to help the situation. Anne's father saw this as an opportunity to try and bring Wosley down with his own man. The next morning Henry invited Anne on a hunt. When they arrived back to the castle Anne ran into Katherine. They both exchanged some nasty remarks about each other and went on their way.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

As I continue to read I find myself questioning Anne and her behavior. It drives me insane that she just lets the king rule over her even though she knows exactly what happen. All of comparing to her real life makes me sick. Does she want to die or was Anne Boylen really that in love with Henry.
Chapter nine begins with a man named Charles Brandon  . He hates Wosley and wants help from Anne. Of course Anne being the strong minded women she is she agrees but only if they will follow her rule. October rolls around and the weather is very rainy. She begins to think about the other people who will die of starvation. In a depressive mood Anne declines to visit the king and he becomes very worried. He calls her to the Privy Chambers and some hot romance begins. Anne has a hard time pulling away from Henry and confesses she doesn't want to loss her virginity until they were married. on their second day of traveling they pass the London bridge and Anne almost barfs because there are two heads of traitors hanging on poles. They finally arrive and Anne is completely pissed off about living with Katherine.
Chapter ten she meets the man that would eventually cause her death. Cardinal Wolsey was standing in front of Henry's private suite. Anne trying to polite greets Wolsey but kind of gets an attitude. She pretty much tell him off and goes and tells the King . The Cardinal brings the news that Francis doesn't support the annulment. Henry goes on rant to Wolsey.
Chapter eleven they travel to Greenwich. She begins wallowing in her sadness again but festivities were taking place that day. Later that day the royal household all gather in prayer and Henry Katherine go in front of everyone and Anne once again get very upset. to get her mind off of Katherine she pulls Nan off to the side. Nan confesses she has a new love and his name is Master Zouche. But yet Nan cant help but ask about the rumors; was Henry really going to make Anne his wife. Anne also confesses that the rumor is in fact true. George shows up and tells and the King would like to see her but she was still upset about seeing the two together. Anne bitches to George and decides to come up with the idea to go ride horses. When they arrive back their father was quite mad. Anne got cleaned up and made her way to the feast. Henry tells Anne to come meet him later that night. Of course when she arrives they get a little touchy. After the passion of the moment simmers down he tells Anne exactly what she wants to hear... no more waiting on the queen.
Chapter twelve Winter was in full blast and Anne and her mother where arriving back at Hever. Trying to let the talk at court die down she leave Henry for the twelve days of Christmas and until spring. The winter became harsh and snow covered the ground. 21st century Anne devotes herself to learning more about Anne's religion. Elizabeth gave her a book she had never seen before. She comes to realize that it was the New Testament which was a book that was banned. She promised herself that she would keep the book close to her heart.
Charles Brandon

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Chapter four beings with Henry leaving back London to see the progress in the annulment was. Anne has a strong desire to get the king a gift. Her father calls the family jeweler to come visit. She wanders the castle alone to discover more. While walking around she finds herself in the gallery. As she finds peace there she starts to feel guilty. She knew she should want to go back but she didn't she  was more than pleased to be Anne Boleyn. The jeweler arrives and her thoughts are interrupted. In the Great Hall Sillas shows her his best collection. Immediately a specific jewel stood  out to her. There was a small gold ship that she recognized from her 21 century life so of course she picks it. Along with this token of her love she also writes a letter expressing her love and awe of him.
Chapter five Thomas announces that he was going to London that very day for Council business. Elizabeth tells Anne that she thinks she come with her and Mary to visit Sir Henry and Lady Wyatt. She conmplates whether her mother knew about her relationship with Thomas. Figuring that her mother was not a malicious women and she would never do anything to ruin the family Anne agrees to go with. After long tedious ride they finally arrive at Allington Castle. Mary and Anne went out to the garden where Thomas and his friends were. Thomas was under a apple tree with writing a note and Anne pulled it out his hand. Anne being Anne takes the note and reads it aloud. Of course the letter was about! He had been in love with her since they were younger. Their childhood friendship would never be the same.
Chapter six Thomas leaves Kent  to go to London to do work as ambassador for the king.Mary and her husband had also left Hever with "their" two children. Anne wonders to herself if Henry had actually been the father rather her husband William. With everyone gone but her mother Anne began reading books to piece together the life she had taken over. Her mother often asked when she would return to court and be with Henry but Anne was in no rush. One morning George returns home. For a moment Anne questions their relationship and its intimacy. George delivers a note from Henry saying he is ready for her to return.
Chapter seven Anne and her family prepare for their journey to Beaulieu. Elizabeth gives Anne her Book of Hours. On the five day journey they had to pass through London. Anne was quite amazed at all the buildings. As a pit stop to rest and clean up they spent the night at the Northfolk house. Three days later Anne arrived at Beaulieu. Henry wasted no time getting Anne to come see him. Henry gave Anne three gowns as gift and sent someone to meet her. Anne her father and her brother were escorted to the chapel. He takes her to the privy Gardens and there they have a talk about the marriage. She tells him that if they are not married by the end of the year she would leave. Later that night Thomas Howard her uncle calls Anne out about her possibly sleeping with the king. Elizabeth his sister got extremely mad and Anne excuses herself from dinner.
Chapter Eight Anne has to meet Katherine. She is not to trilled about and is dreading it. Before meeting Katherine she runs into her friend Anne Gainsford. Anne ask Anne B if it is true that her and the king are to be getting married and of course she denied. Yet even though she denies everything people still continue to gossip.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Le Temps Viendra

Before I began reading this book did a little research.  Not knowing who Anne Boleyn was she was the first thing I looked up. Little did I know that she was a queen. I read a little on her family and then I realized she was married to king Harry VIII. This immediately changed everything and I haven't even read a page of the book yet! I knew that he was a man who's reputation was not very good. He had killed one of his wife's and come to find out it was Anne. So after doing a little research I decided to read. On the first page its Anne telling us that she is to die today. This was a plot twist and it was only the first page. I was wondering how the book going to start off with her dying I  mean usually that's where a book ends. I kept reading ,although I was confused,  and realized why Henry had executed her. He was a selfish whore. He wanted his to be married but have affairs so when Anne couldn't birth a male air he "found" reasons to kill her. And although he was the was the one committing adultery Anne was the one who suffered.

I get to part one and I recognized the title of the chapter. While doing my research I saw that  Hever Castle is where Anne lived but the date was far off. I began to read about a women had divorced an alcoholic she had felt so liberated when she had finally got the guts to do it. As I was reading I couldn't help but compare her to Anne. Anne had married a man who she didn't deserve.  I continued to read and learned that she had quiet an obsession with Anne she had read her stories and was even on her way to visit Hever Castle . While there she becomes sick like and finds herself wondering around the castle looking for a powder room. Trying to find a bathroom someone yells, "Anne Anne come quickly"'  and she thought its was someone just playing a joke. She soon passes out.

Then part two chapter one starts and she awakes as Anne not very knowingly. Mary her sister is pleading her to get up because the king is there. She dresses with the help of her servants and sends mary to tell henry to meet her in the garden. before heading to the garden she discreetly  asked her sister the year and date. Surprisingly she finds out that it was may 31st , 1527, her 26th birthday.

When she arrived to garden henry caught her slipping up and talking to herself. After confessing his love henry ask for Anne's hand in marriage but explains that it needs to be on the down low because of his current wife Katherine who is a shrew. I can only imagine the position that put her in, knowing what was to come but still accepting the proposal. After arriving back to the castle henry announces to the group that they are to go on a hunt and Anne is to come with.

Anne is quickly prepared for the hunt. She meets the group of men and a few women at the bottom of the stairs. In her 21 century life she had grew up with horses so riding them can naturally. It was the perfect day for a hunt, the weather was just right. While on the hunt they pass a beautiful scenery with small Forrest creatures and lushes vegetation. Henry of course treats Anne as princess and includes her in the hunt by letting her choose the path they are to take. Down the path Henry spots a nice stag and attempts to kill it, but startled it and ran. After chasing the stag for a while the stag runs out of energy and Henry makes the kill. Off to the side Anne tells her father on the secret engagement. As any father would be he was proud but warns her of the dangers because of Katherine. After arriving home Anne is immediately bathed but is interrupted by her mother. Her mother expresses her worry about Henry and his past but Anne assures her that all will be fine.


Thursday, February 27, 2014

After a very long week of being in the hospital staying with my grandmother who has stage iii kidney cancer  I was not ready for class. I knew that class being cancelled would put us behind and we would be kicking it in to full gear even more. I was stressing about writing another paper and I questioned even going to class. When she handed us our new scheduling no words could explain how I felt, I just wanted a break. After sitting there I told myself that I should just be thankful that alive. When finding out about the subject for our next paper I decided I was going to make the best out of it . In honor of both of my grandmothers who have both dealt with cancer in one way or another I wanted to write my paper on the Susan G Komen foundation. As I was doing research I found the amazing story behind the whole thing. A beautiful kind hearted women was diagnosed at the young age of 33 was named was Susan Komen. During her treatments of chemo she made a promise to herself that she would raise awareness about this terrible disease and she would make the process as joyful as possible. But after just 3 short years Susan lost her battle. Her sister Nancy , who she was very close to , carried on her promise. Now 32 years later this foundation has raised over 3 BILLION dollars for research and treatment. Without Susan this world would literally not be same. Her lively attitude and her willingness to want to help has made an amazing difference. As stressful as my life is between high school, college, trying to find a job, and finding time to spend with family and friends I wouldn't change a thing. Knowing what 1 women's story could do for the world I can only imagine how different the world would be if we all strived to do the same.

To learn more about the story go to . Everyone can make a difference.

Kidney cancer ribbon


My grandmother & grandfather on their wedding over 40 years ago
I personally love tattoos. To me tattoos show a persons life story. I have a tattoo myself , it signifying a quote that I strive to live by. Never look back. For me I always try and look forward because people who are stuck in their past tend to sad and gloomy. I definitely don't want to be known as a person who is always trying to fix what cant be. I try and be the best person i can for myself and others. You have to be here for a while so why not enjoy the ride.
As for the textbook  really don't like using it. I'd rather just type in on google what I'm having trouble cause there are endless examples.
I absolutely HATE writing papers so for me this was a struggle. I tried finding a place where I could write a lot about. So I thought over it for a few day and then I realized that I lived right beside a battle field.  I drive past this thing every day of my life and I've never really even cared to look at it much less actually think about it. After doing some research I realized that Murfreesboro wasn't such a unknown  POS city like I thought. Our city has rich roots in which changed our country forever. Without the battle of Stones River things in our country might not be the same. In a way I'm kind of thankful for this project because its helped have more respect for this city. 

Thursday, January 23, 2014


Communications-a process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior. Everyday we use communications, whether its talking to family or texting a friend. There are many different ways to communicate such as talking and body language. Without communication we could not express ourselves to others. Like telling your best friend that shirt makes her look fat or giving your boss a piece of your mind. Everyday I talk to friends, family, teacher and the list goes on and without life would be pretty boring and chaotic. Could you imagine if there were no laws to tell us what we can and can not do ? People would go crazy. It is very important that people communicate cause otherwise life just wouldn't be the same...