Thursday, February 27, 2014

I personally love tattoos. To me tattoos show a persons life story. I have a tattoo myself , it signifying a quote that I strive to live by. Never look back. For me I always try and look forward because people who are stuck in their past tend to sad and gloomy. I definitely don't want to be known as a person who is always trying to fix what cant be. I try and be the best person i can for myself and others. You have to be here for a while so why not enjoy the ride.
As for the textbook  really don't like using it. I'd rather just type in on google what I'm having trouble cause there are endless examples.
I absolutely HATE writing papers so for me this was a struggle. I tried finding a place where I could write a lot about. So I thought over it for a few day and then I realized that I lived right beside a battle field.  I drive past this thing every day of my life and I've never really even cared to look at it much less actually think about it. After doing some research I realized that Murfreesboro wasn't such a unknown  POS city like I thought. Our city has rich roots in which changed our country forever. Without the battle of Stones River things in our country might not be the same. In a way I'm kind of thankful for this project because its helped have more respect for this city. 

1 comment:

  1. Your tattoo is actually a very pretty script. Thank you for sharing your personal story of your grandmothers and I'm sure your activism paper totally reflects that passion you feel about the cause.
