Thursday, April 17, 2014

Chapter 16 Anne continues to play her part and all but forgets her old life. She works on manipulating the king and winning over Wolsey. Master Heneage brings Anne gifts from the king and dine with her and the cardinal. Anne brings up the topic of Sir Cheney and Sir Russell to Heneage. Heneage gives her a promise to review the case with great consideration.
Chapter 17 A week later Wolsey supported the petition for Mistress Anne's ward ship. Later that morning George tells Anne that Henry has requested a picnic today. After getting ready she meet the king ; he was of course eloquently dressed with a cap that had HA on it. On the way they pass the Ankerwycke Yew which was a tree that was said to be 2000 years old.  After eating and being merry one of Henry's men Will Somers did a performance for everyone. Anne Nan and Mary dance with each other for the king. Anne kicks off her shoes and people gasp at her behavior. When the danced ended Anne was a little worried if she had crossed a line but Henry thought she could do no wrong.
Chapter 18 Anne is beyond pissed. King Henry had chosen Katherine to accompany him to the jousting event. She went into a rage and made Henry cry. Nan came to calm Anne down but found the book Tyndale's "The Obedience of a Christian Man". Anne encourages Nan to read it and gives it her knowing that Wolsey's men would later find it and steal it. 

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