Thursday, January 23, 2014


Communications-a process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior. Everyday we use communications, whether its talking to family or texting a friend. There are many different ways to communicate such as talking and body language. Without communication we could not express ourselves to others. Like telling your best friend that shirt makes her look fat or giving your boss a piece of your mind. Everyday I talk to friends, family, teacher and the list goes on and without life would be pretty boring and chaotic. Could you imagine if there were no laws to tell us what we can and can not do ? People would go crazy. It is very important that people communicate cause otherwise life just wouldn't be the same...


  1. Alexa, spell check the title of your overall blog (not this post) :) The laws aspect your brought up in communication is very interesting. Have you heard of the movie "The Purge." Laws really do control society/communication, haha. I look forward to your perspective this semester.

    I like the pink template...but ;) ...

    Try to make your blog unique. Think of hobbies, something about yourself that makes YOU YOU...and make your blog show that aspect of you off :) Be sure to check out (add all) and comment on a couple of other students' blogs as you are posting before next Thursday.

    --Ms. Hanson

  2. Alexa, you still haven't updated your blog to make it unique. Also, you never posted the RD blog about your process/readings while writing the first essay. This was due the night of Peer Reviews (2/6/14'--the last time we met).

    You will need to get all of that done ASAP (before next blog is due I'm assigning tonight). This is a cumulative grade but each entry/ assignment is worth an important percentage of your grade (based on the length of readings, etc...)

    Please follow through.

    Ms. Hanson
