Thursday, March 27, 2014

Chapter four beings with Henry leaving back London to see the progress in the annulment was. Anne has a strong desire to get the king a gift. Her father calls the family jeweler to come visit. She wanders the castle alone to discover more. While walking around she finds herself in the gallery. As she finds peace there she starts to feel guilty. She knew she should want to go back but she didn't she  was more than pleased to be Anne Boleyn. The jeweler arrives and her thoughts are interrupted. In the Great Hall Sillas shows her his best collection. Immediately a specific jewel stood  out to her. There was a small gold ship that she recognized from her 21 century life so of course she picks it. Along with this token of her love she also writes a letter expressing her love and awe of him.
Chapter five Thomas announces that he was going to London that very day for Council business. Elizabeth tells Anne that she thinks she come with her and Mary to visit Sir Henry and Lady Wyatt. She conmplates whether her mother knew about her relationship with Thomas. Figuring that her mother was not a malicious women and she would never do anything to ruin the family Anne agrees to go with. After long tedious ride they finally arrive at Allington Castle. Mary and Anne went out to the garden where Thomas and his friends were. Thomas was under a apple tree with writing a note and Anne pulled it out his hand. Anne being Anne takes the note and reads it aloud. Of course the letter was about! He had been in love with her since they were younger. Their childhood friendship would never be the same.
Chapter six Thomas leaves Kent  to go to London to do work as ambassador for the king.Mary and her husband had also left Hever with "their" two children. Anne wonders to herself if Henry had actually been the father rather her husband William. With everyone gone but her mother Anne began reading books to piece together the life she had taken over. Her mother often asked when she would return to court and be with Henry but Anne was in no rush. One morning George returns home. For a moment Anne questions their relationship and its intimacy. George delivers a note from Henry saying he is ready for her to return.
Chapter seven Anne and her family prepare for their journey to Beaulieu. Elizabeth gives Anne her Book of Hours. On the five day journey they had to pass through London. Anne was quite amazed at all the buildings. As a pit stop to rest and clean up they spent the night at the Northfolk house. Three days later Anne arrived at Beaulieu. Henry wasted no time getting Anne to come see him. Henry gave Anne three gowns as gift and sent someone to meet her. Anne her father and her brother were escorted to the chapel. He takes her to the privy Gardens and there they have a talk about the marriage. She tells him that if they are not married by the end of the year she would leave. Later that night Thomas Howard her uncle calls Anne out about her possibly sleeping with the king. Elizabeth his sister got extremely mad and Anne excuses herself from dinner.
Chapter Eight Anne has to meet Katherine. She is not to trilled about and is dreading it. Before meeting Katherine she runs into her friend Anne Gainsford. Anne ask Anne B if it is true that her and the king are to be getting married and of course she denied. Yet even though she denies everything people still continue to gossip.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Le Temps Viendra

Before I began reading this book did a little research.  Not knowing who Anne Boleyn was she was the first thing I looked up. Little did I know that she was a queen. I read a little on her family and then I realized she was married to king Harry VIII. This immediately changed everything and I haven't even read a page of the book yet! I knew that he was a man who's reputation was not very good. He had killed one of his wife's and come to find out it was Anne. So after doing a little research I decided to read. On the first page its Anne telling us that she is to die today. This was a plot twist and it was only the first page. I was wondering how the book going to start off with her dying I  mean usually that's where a book ends. I kept reading ,although I was confused,  and realized why Henry had executed her. He was a selfish whore. He wanted his to be married but have affairs so when Anne couldn't birth a male air he "found" reasons to kill her. And although he was the was the one committing adultery Anne was the one who suffered.

I get to part one and I recognized the title of the chapter. While doing my research I saw that  Hever Castle is where Anne lived but the date was far off. I began to read about a women had divorced an alcoholic she had felt so liberated when she had finally got the guts to do it. As I was reading I couldn't help but compare her to Anne. Anne had married a man who she didn't deserve.  I continued to read and learned that she had quiet an obsession with Anne she had read her stories and was even on her way to visit Hever Castle . While there she becomes sick like and finds herself wondering around the castle looking for a powder room. Trying to find a bathroom someone yells, "Anne Anne come quickly"'  and she thought its was someone just playing a joke. She soon passes out.

Then part two chapter one starts and she awakes as Anne not very knowingly. Mary her sister is pleading her to get up because the king is there. She dresses with the help of her servants and sends mary to tell henry to meet her in the garden. before heading to the garden she discreetly  asked her sister the year and date. Surprisingly she finds out that it was may 31st , 1527, her 26th birthday.

When she arrived to garden henry caught her slipping up and talking to herself. After confessing his love henry ask for Anne's hand in marriage but explains that it needs to be on the down low because of his current wife Katherine who is a shrew. I can only imagine the position that put her in, knowing what was to come but still accepting the proposal. After arriving back to the castle henry announces to the group that they are to go on a hunt and Anne is to come with.

Anne is quickly prepared for the hunt. She meets the group of men and a few women at the bottom of the stairs. In her 21 century life she had grew up with horses so riding them can naturally. It was the perfect day for a hunt, the weather was just right. While on the hunt they pass a beautiful scenery with small Forrest creatures and lushes vegetation. Henry of course treats Anne as princess and includes her in the hunt by letting her choose the path they are to take. Down the path Henry spots a nice stag and attempts to kill it, but startled it and ran. After chasing the stag for a while the stag runs out of energy and Henry makes the kill. Off to the side Anne tells her father on the secret engagement. As any father would be he was proud but warns her of the dangers because of Katherine. After arriving home Anne is immediately bathed but is interrupted by her mother. Her mother expresses her worry about Henry and his past but Anne assures her that all will be fine.